Deep Cove News

Carnaval - Carnaval - Carnaval!

Picture of Shelley Hardcastle
Carnaval - Carnaval - Carnaval!
by Shelley Hardcastle - Tuesday, 11 January 2022, 12:43 PM

Bonhomme Bienvenue to the month of January as we will be celebrating “Carnaval”

Please see the attached poster or note these dates in your calendars:

Thursday, January 20th - Jersey Day: Hockey, soccer, baseball, etc 

Tuesday, January 25h,Lumberjack Day: Please encourage your child to wear Plaid shirt, suspenders, sash and jeans.

Thursday morning, January 27th -We will all wear RED and WHITE as it is the colours that Bonhomme Carnaval wears.

Click here and just stop yourself from joining in the celebration!