Deep Cove News

What's Right with the World

Picture of Shelley Hardcastle
What's Right with the World
by Shelley Hardcastle - Friday, 3 April 2020, 9:47 AM
Week one.... well that was interesting and different and overwhelming and a time to put our creative, collaborative efforts together to create a plan to address so many different needs week!!  Thanks to each of you for the patience and willingness to figure this out.  

As we end the week I was interested to hear an interview with Margaret Atwood who reminded the audience that it sometimes helps to look backwards.  She sites "how awful the 14th century was, and how in the 1940's families would be quarantined to their homes with large signs pinned to their doors saying something to the effect “Smallpox. Keep out of this house. By Order of the Board of Health” and “Quarantine Scarlet Fever. No one shall enter or leave these premises except as provided by the State Department of Health or Local Board of Health.”

Atwood's words were helpful in adjusting perspective and reminding us that we will get through this just as we have recovered from previous situations such as this.  We will recover. It will take time.

An important part of the recovery is ensuring that even within these complex times we maintain a sense of hope and a optimism.  I have included a video below.  I think it is popcorn worthy.  It's 18 minutes - its a good one to watch as it helps us to hopefully adjust our perspectives and maintain an optimistic outlook.  Have a restful weekend.