Deep Cove News

$30 School Supplies Fee

Picture of Kayla Shew
$30 School Supplies Fee
by Kayla Shew - Tuesday, 25 June 2019, 2:37 PM


For the coming school year we are requesting $30 for your child’s supplies rather than sending you a required supplies list.  The only supply that you will need to provide is your child’s (empty) pencil box which may be reused from a previous year if you have one that remains in good condition.

Please provide a cheque made out to the Deep Cove PAC or cash to your child’s classroom teacher by Thursday, June 27th, at the latest.

If this presents a financial hardship to your family please discreetly inform either your child’s classroom teacher, Ms. Shew, Mr. MacGregor, or Ms. Kaercher and the fee will be covered from school funds.

Thank you!