Deep Cove News

Positive COVID tests

Picture of Shelley Hardcastle
Positive COVID tests
by Shelley Hardcastle - Friday, 14 January 2022, 2:14 PM

Hi Deep Cove Families - there have been many questions in regards to communication around positive COVID tests.   Public health has encouraged schools to routinely communicate to the school community the need to follow public health measures, always self-monitor for symptoms (including completing a daily health check before coming to school), and to stay home when sick. Check out this I Tested Positive for COVID document for more information on what to do if there is a positive test.  To summarize:

Anyone who has tested positive using a rapid test3 should complete the online reporting tool provided by public health, and provide all school-related information requested.

Public health does not require students or staff to notify our school if they have tested positive for COVID-19, or to notify other individuals at school.

To protect personal privacy, we are unable to provide personal contact information for the purpose of notifying others of a test result.

We continue to follow public health guidance, including monitoring school absenteeism to help determine if there may be increased school-associated COVID-19 activity. 

Hopefully these resources will help to answer some of the many questions.  Thank you and take care of each other!