Deep Cove News

Dolphin Delivery November 24, 2021

Picture of Shelley Hardcastle
Dolphin Delivery November 24, 2021
by Shelley Hardcastle - Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 2:41 PM

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As we round the corner to December (!!) I wanted to reach out and thank families for all they are doing to stay strong and support their children during these moody times in the world and with the weather!  We have just over three weeks to navigate before the Winter Break and aim to provide a strong, caring environment for all of our Deep Cove Learners.  

A few things to note:

  • if you or any family you are aware of could use some extra assistance this season ( hamper, gift cards etc.) please reach out asap to myself @
  • please remind your children that the gaga ball courts are closed directly after school as there is no supervision in that area, at that time.  Students are encouraged to go directly to bus line or their care givers upon dismissal.
  • Report Cards or Fresh Grade Communication will be coming home to families on or before December 9, 2021
  • December 1-7 - Please consider supporting the Deep Cove PAC Silent Auction and upcoming Raffle draw - a huge thank you to Elyse and Paige for organizing and co-ordinating this event!

Stay warm and dry and please take care of each other 
