Deep Cove News

Dolphin Delivery Monday April 27

Picture of Shelley Hardcastle
Dolphin Delivery Monday April 27
by Shelley Hardcastle - Monday, 27 April 2020, 10:04 AM

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Chère Deep Cove Families,

Good Monday Morning everyone!  As we round the corner to the end of April I wanted to reach out to each of you.  These uncertain times leave us each feeling differently and possibly with an increased feeling of fatigue.   These are unprecedented circumstances and we are reminded that adjusting our expectations is not only necessary but very important to manage our varied emotional responses to varied circumstances and contexts.  Be kind to yourself - I was reminded recently that this is more like a marathon (vs a sprint) so we need to pace ourselves in order to make it to the finish line.

Although we hope to offer academic opportunities that meet the wide needs of all of our families and students we also acknowledging that at this time focussing on our relationships and sanity (!!)  is the priority. Being kind to yourself may include stepping back from academics and spending more time connecting in a way that strengthens your family and restores your energy to forge on.  Staying well and maintaining healthy perspectives vs getting the lesson done may help to restore your energy.

We live in an exceptional community and our relationships and connections are what is going to get us through these challenging days.  Please know we are here for you and your families - please reach out if we can help in anyway.   A phone call or an email will ensure that someone gets back to you as soon as possible.  As Justin Trudeau said this morning, "We are not there yet and we must persevere together."  Staying connected is how we can do this. Take good care of each other and know we are here for you - Deep Cove Staff