Deep Cove News

More Traffic Safety Requests

More Traffic Safety Requests
by Steve MacGregor - Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 11:04 AM

In light of the recent accident at a Saanich school where a child was struck by a car at a crosswalk, we are again asking for community members to exercise caution and patience at crosswalks, parking lots, and roads around the school especially at drop off and dismissal times.  RCMP have noted challenges here and may be involved with extra enforcement with regard to speed and vehicles parked unsafely over the coming month.

  • Please take extra time and patience driving around the school
  • Consider parking a block or two away to help with congestion near the school (especially in the beautiful weather)
  • Obey no parking and staff parking areas

Saving a minute or two by parking somewhere we shouldn't or driving carelessly is not worth the risk to our little ones.

Thank you for your attention to these matters.