Deep Cove News

Friday Reminders: Hoop Dance, and Hot Lunch

Friday Reminders: Hoop Dance, and Hot Lunch
by Steve MacGregor - Thursday, 24 January 2019, 3:53 PM

A couple of important reminders about tomorrow (Friday):

Hopefully you've seen one of the number of reminders around Friday's hoop dance performances as we come to the end of an amazing week with Teddy Anderson.  Please refer to the earlier website posts to confirm which performance your child(ren)'s class will be participating in.

It is hot lunch day tomorrow.  Parent volunteers are asked to meet and organize in the mini-gym as the main gym will be hosting the first performance of the day at the end of the morning.

As there are hoop dance presentations tomorrow, we ask that students not wear pyjamas (as is done in some classes on hot lunch day) at least during the performance out of respect for the dance.

Looking forward to a great day tomorrow!